A Level Chemistry Quiz

by MCQsLearn



A Level Chemistry App:A level chemistry quiz app with free download to install "Chemistry Quiz" app...

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A Level Chemistry App:A level chemistry quiz app with free download to install "Chemistry Quiz" app (Android) to practice hundreds of GCE chemistry quiz based MCQs. "A Level Chemistry" app download with trivia questions and answers, IGCSE GCE chemistry MCQs to solve self-assessment tests. "A Level Chemistry Quiz" app, textbook revision notes helps to practice test questions for beginners and advanced level students on Android smartphones.Complete A level chemistry app, a textbook application with IGCSE/NEET/MCAT/GRE/GMAT/SAT/ACT preparation mock tests. "A Level Chemistry Notes" app is a study guide for Cambridge students, beginners and advanced level learning from Cambridge textbook course as:Chapter 1: Alcohols and esters quizChapter 2: Atomic structure and theory quizChapter 3: Benzene: chemical compound quizChapter 4: Carbonyl compounds quizChapter 5: Carboxylic acids and acyl compounds quizChapter 6: Chemical bonding quizChapter 7: Chemistry of life quizChapter 8: Electrode potential quizChapter 9: Electrons in atoms quizChapter 10: Enthalpy change quizChapter 11: Equilibrium quizChapter 12: Group IV quizChapter 13: Groups II and VII quizChapter 14: Halogenoalkanes quizChapter 15: Hydrocarbons quizChapter 16: Introduction to organic chemistry quizChapter 17: Ionic equilibria quizChapter 18: Lattice energy quizChapter 19: Moles and equations quizChapter 20: Nitrogen and sulfur quizChapter 21: Organic and nitrogen compounds quizChapter 22: Periodicity quizChapter 23: Polymerization quizChapter 24: Rates of reaction quizChapter 25: Reaction kinetics quizChapter 26: Redox reactions and electrolysis quizChapter 27: States of matter quizChapter 28: Transition elements quizSolve "Atomic Structure and Theory Quiz" app download to practice test questions: Atom facts, elements and atoms, number of nucleons, protons, electrons, and neutrons.Solve "Electrode Potential Quiz" app download to practice test questions: Electrode potential, electrolysis process, standard electrode potential, quantitative electrolysis, redox, and oxidation.Solve "Electrons in Atoms Quiz" app download to practice test questions: Electronic configurations, electronic structure evidence, ionization energy, periodic table, simple electronic structure, sub shells, and atomic orbitals.Solve "Enthalpy Change Quiz" app download to practice test questions: Standard enthalpy changes, bond energies, Hess law, introduction to energy changes, and measuring enthalpy changes.Solve "Hydrocarbons Quiz" app download to practice test questions: Introduction to alkanes, sources of alkanes, addition reactions of alkenes, alkane reaction, alkenes and formulas.Solve "Introduction to Organic Chemistry Quiz" app download to practice test questions: Organic chemistry, functional groups, organic reactions, stereoisomerism, structural isomerism, and types of organic reactions.Solve "Lattice Energy Quiz" app download to practice test questions: Introduction to lattice energy, ion polarization, lattice energy value, atomization and electron affinity, and Born Haber cycle.Solve "Polymerization Quiz" app download to practice test questions: Types of polymerization, polyamides, polyesters, and polymer deductions.Solve "Reaction Kinetics Quiz" app download to practice test questions: Reaction kinetics, catalysts, reaction mechanism, order of reaction, rare constant k, and rate of reaction.Solve "Redox Reactions and Electrolysis Quiz" app download to practice test questions: Redox reaction, electrolysis technique, oxidation numbers, and electron transfer.AND MANY MORE TOPICS!"A Level Chemistry MCQs" app helps to solve chemistry Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) from every chapter, comparing with answer key after every 10 random trivia quiz questions.Looking forward to provide best user experience through A level chemistry application!